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Allergic Treatment

                            Leave allergies forever

An unbearable disease to millions of people with symptoms of allergic disease and allergic to do. Starting from allergy sneezing, food and medicines can cause severe reactions and shortness of breath. Some people have difficulty in LG's cell phone, but others make life miserable.
Cleaning the house dust? Suddenly, sneezing and after breathing or flavoring of flowers or eating beef, shrimp, hilsa, and cow's milk, it starts with the itching or bloating red skin in the skin. If you have these allergies then you have to take it. He knows that how terrible allergies in human life have suffered. How many will not be able to relieve. It is good to say goodbye to the goodbye for life.


1.) 1 kg of neem leaves, dry well in the sun.
2.) Pour the dried nit leaf into the grind and fill that powder with a bowl.
3.) Buy Isab Gul's Bussi. One-third of the tea spoon of nit leaf powder and one teaspoon bhushi 1 glass of water for half an hour.
4.) Roll well after half an hour with spoon.
5.) Eat every morning in the stomach, full stomach at lunch and before bedtime. Must eat for 21 days continuously.
6.) Effectiveness can take 1 month to begin. After that, which could not be eaten for allergies such as duck eggs, brinjal, etc.

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