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Life is back

Inspiration of  life

These people come from eating almonds, it is not difficult to eat. It does not hurt to fly. You also fly, but the place where the ground looks clean. If you are right then do not try to prove anything, just be right. Testimony will be given by yourself. The person lost in the field can win but the person who is defeated will never win, unless he has done any work. It seems impossible for the lion to take a step back in the leap. In the same way when you push the back, then lift the waist, life is ready to give you a high jump. Those who wait, those who try to leave leave the wise people in a difficult time, and the cowardly people find excuses to find out why some people are there and some people have some results in some bad times. And some people break records, we should make changes in ourselves, which we want to make in the world. Work hard so quietly that success will be a noisy always remember that you grow up manifold with your problem, little man is alone and the world is in success with success, the one on whom the world is laughing has made history one day when the iron By working as a Tata and a shoe, you can make a bait, then why are you sitting idle? The birds need the wings to fly higher so that the person bends down. No one goes along with you, neither will you lose your guts in the world, your heart will not change, the fate will change when there is any purpose of life, or the age is cut off. There is nothing impossible in this world to blame the fate. We can do all that we can think and we have not thought till today. If you can not have a miracle then do yourself a miracle. If the desire is not fulfilled in the world, then the anger increases and the desire is fulfilled, the people grow, that's why life should be created in all kinds of Situation, those who have faith in their work. He is a job and whoever trusts himself, he does business, the student asks questions, he becomes stupid for 5 minutes and does not even ask questions Becomes stupid for riot. Bad time comes to everyone. Everyone gets shocked, then someone gets scattered, do not sit in God's trust, know what God is sitting on your trust, if you are looking for a person who will change your life, then look in the mirror so far I have lived life. Staying relaxed but living now, sometimes with some different style, sometimes gives silence at night, hard working people do not want to lose, even if they do not feel defeated, they have no power in the world. Do not work, do so, that the identity can become such that the mark becomes a life, then everyone bites. Friends show you something and say money by doing something, then I will come. No goal will be greater than the courage of the person who does not fight, the one who does not fight, do not trust yourself, then the strength becomes and the others become weak then the bad people are not the ones who tell you that you can not do anything bad You have brains that accept their point of view, which are fond of walking alone, there are 1 day convoy behind them Some people dream while sleeping and some people dream of not sleeping them by changing their destiny, by changing from time to time, the person who changes his destiny, what will happen tomorrow, do not think, what will happen tomorrow, change your streak, it will be so difficult to win You will not be defeated in your fall. You are human After all, because the victory is short, there can be no essence. The world knows us and, by virtue, we know the world, victory and defeat depend on your thinking. If you accept defeat and determination, then victory will be won when man is called his knowledge. As long as you have money, people will ask, brother how are you .

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